Saturday, May 4, 2013

Presentations from Behavioral Finance Event: How Data Visualization Impacts Financial Decisions

Presenter Gunjan Banati
The way data is presented--and how visualization is used to present it--has a profound impact on our decisions.  As this insight has moved from academia into the private sector, Financial Services firms have begun to apply these insights in fascinating ways.
On May 1st the Analytics in Financial Services group--of which Fitzgerald Analytics is the founding sponsor--curated and organized an event on this topic.  Both featured speakers are applying behavioral finance concepts, together with data visualization tools, to help improve financial decisions.
For more on the event agenda, see our pre-event blog post here.  

Slides presented by Dan Egan, head of Behavioral Finance at Betterment:

Slides presented by Gunjan Banati, Fund Research & Analytics at Royce & Associates: