Thursday, March 22, 2012

Live Radio Today - The Art of Harnessing Unwieldy Data

I’ll be doing a live panel interview today @ 3PM with DM Radio. on The Art of Harnessing Unwieldy Data Big & Small.  Easy to register, and will be a fun conversation.
The show is moderated by Eric Kavanagh & Jim Ericson of InformationWeek Magazine.

On the show, I'll frame the discussion from a Analytics and Data to Dollars™ point of view, then participate in a round-table discussion with subject matter experts and cutting-edge technology innovators including:
  1. Suresh Chandrasekaran of Denodo, 
  2. Sean Martin of Cambridge Semantics, and 
  3. Grant Ingersoll of Lucid Imagination.

 Join if you can!